Category Archives: Uncategorized

Watch Along: The Rundown

This week on the show features our next WWE Films movie review as we watch the 2003 movie “The Rundown” starring The Rock. To sync the movie with our commentary, begin playback at 7:31 of the show.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 189: Zoidberger

This week on the show is the return of Dealer’s Choice with a number of topics like UFOs, Walking Dead, buying booze for teenagers, and literal crap. We also have some new Missle Anus stories and some tasty treats.

Watch Along: The Marine 3- Homefront

This week on the show features our next WWE Films movie review as we watch the 2013 movie “The Marine 3: Homefront” starring WWE’s The Miz. To sync the movie with our commentary, begin playback at 2:54 of the show.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 187: The Marine That Wouldn’t End

This week on the show features our second WWE Films movie review as we watch the 2015 movie “The Marine 4: Moving Target” starring WWE’s The Miz and Summer Rae. To sync the movie with our commentary, begin playback at 8:40 of the show.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 186: The George Strike Back

This week on the show we are joined by friend of the show George Lucas. We check in on what George has been doing during quarantine and general Boyz business. We also talk about the numerous movie release date changes due to the pandemic as well as other random topics, and this week’s edition of Missle Anus.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 184: THE Marq Dunn

This week on the show features our very first WWE Films movie review as we watch the 2017 movie “Pure Country Pure Heart” co-starring WWE’s Shawn Michaels and pies. To sync the movie with our commentary, begin playback at 6:17 of the show.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 183: Masterspacion

This week on the show we have another round of Dealer’s Choice with many different topics such as movies you liked years ago but not so much now, waiting a long time for releases, the Spawn movie, and streaming services. We also spin the wheel to pick the first WWE Studios movie to review next week, and a new edition of Missle Anus.