Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blah Blah Special: Star Wars Smackdown Finals

In this special edition, we conclude the Star Wars Smackdown Tournament Finals! 32 of the top Star Wars characters from the original and prequel trilogies battle it out on the Blah Blah Bracket to find out who is the best! Also included in this episode are some fun Missle Anus stories!

Blah Blah Special: Star Wars Smackdown Round 3

In this special edition, we begin Round Three of the Star Wars Smackdown Tournament! 32 of the top Star Wars characters from the original and prequel trilogies battle it out on the Blah Blah Bracket to find out who is the best! Find out who will advance to the Final Four and into the Final Round next week. We also catch up on some Missle Anus stories and play a brand new game!

Blah Blah Special: Star Wars Smackdown Round 2

In this special edition, we begin Round Two of the Star Wars Smackdown Tournament! 32 of the top Star Wars characters from the original and prequel trilogies battle it out on the Blah Blah Bracket to find out who is the best! Find out who will advance to the Elite 8. We also hit on a few other topics such as the news coming out of San Diego Comic Con 2017, and give reviews of two big summer releases, “Valerian” and “DUNKIRK!”

Blah Blah Special: Star Wars Smackdown Round One

In this special edition, we begin Round One of the Star Wars Smackdown Tournament! 32 of the top Star Wars characters from the original and prequel trilogies battle it out on the Blah Blah Bracket to find out who is the best! Find out who will advance to the Sweet 16.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 117: Curb Your Chocolate Factory

This week on the show we talk about the release of Dunkirk, a spoiler-free review of the Netflix series “GLOW”, the solo Venom movie being a comedy, the IMAX poster for “Spider-Man: Homecoming”, Ridley Scott’s plans for more Alien movies, a James Bond Cinematic Universe, Ryan Gosling as Willy Wonka, Twitter and Facebook Q&A, and this week’s edition of Missle Anus.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 116: How Now Brown Cow

This week on the show we check in with the DC News Minute, a quick non-spoiler review of the new movie “Baby Driver”, Lord and Miller being fired from the young Han Solo movie, Sony desperately trying to connect Spider-Man to their own universe, Ridley Scott wants to expand the “Blade Runner” universe, the title for “Jurassic World 2” revealed, HBO developing a “Watchmen” TV series, the title for the next “Saw” film, Twitter Q&A, and this week’s edition of Missle Anus.

Blah Blah Podcast Special: Tetsuo The Iron Man Review

In this special edition of the show, we review the Japanese body horror film “Tetsuo: The Iron Man.” We also play another round of the “Porn or No” game. Check out the video version of this review on our Youtube page: Blah Blah Productions.

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 115: FTR!

This week on the show we discuss the passing of Adam West, this week’s Twitter poll, our DC New Minute featuring our spoiler-free review of “Wonder Woman”, Simon Kinberg directing “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”, Evan’s take on “The Mummy” with Tom Cruise flopping, Tom Holland slipping on a Spider-Man trilogy, a John Wick TV show, Twitter Q&A, this week’s edition of Missle Anus, and Round 4 of Lucas or James!

Blah Blah Podcast Episode 114: You F**ked Up!

This week on the show, Chris tells us about his recent trip to Japan, this week’s DC News Minute, we catch up on a ton of news from the last few weeks such as the Universal Dark Universe casting, Tom Hardy as Venom, Top Gun 2, Terminator 6, Dan Aykroyd going crazy on TV talking Ghostbusters, and this week’s edition of Missle Anus.